Passionate, Proactive and Protective Lawyers
At Landon, Rainwater, Robinson LLP, we offer our clients more than 50 years of combined experience devoted to resolving divorce and family law issues.

Divorce & Family Law
Divorce and family law are challenging areas of legal practice and require a special touch and a well thought strategy. No other type of legal dispute is quite as emotional. Managing and interpreting these emotions is essential, whether in the courtroom or at the mediation table. We understand the strain of divorce and other domestic relations disputes, and we try to get you back to your life as soon as we can.
However, we also know that a big part of getting results in family law matters is letting the other side know you are ready to go to court if that is what it takes.
We have earned our reputation as being solution oriented proactive advocates for our clients yet aggressive when necessary. We have the skills and the resources to take on even the most complex divorce cases and have won substantial victories for our clients. When you need a skilled family law attorney to fight for your goals and your future, Landon, Rainwater, Robinson LLP is here.
Preparing you for life after a divorce
Beyond being emotionally taxing, divorce can be complicated. Even parties going through an uncontested divorce can benefit from experienced legal counsel. Having handled countless divorces in Riverside County and the surrounding areas, we can help within a wide variety of family law matters, from contested and uncontested divorces to enforcement and modifications you may need after a divorce is final. Our broad experience covers every aspect of California Family Law, including the following:
If you are contemplating a divorce or a separation…..We can assist you in the following areas:
- Child Custody and Visitation (including modifications of previous orders)
- Divorce Order Enforcement
- Move-Away Requests
- Child Support and Spousal Support
- Property and Debt Division
- Annulments
Divorce is a complex, emotional and time-consuming process that should never be attempted without legal guidance. When you and your spouse separate, we can help you at each step to provide advice to help you navigate the options available to you, your future and your children.
One of the most difficult areas in divorce is how it will affect a parent’s relationship with their children. Our firm will work with you in assessing your situation and your children’s needs. We provide the necessary education to allow clients to try and reach their own resolutions without court involvement if necessary.
Divorce can be complicated as it impacts every facet of your life. You should not attempt to resolve child and spousal support without legal counsel. The amount you may have to pay is dependent upon many different factors such as your parenting schedule, your income, the other parent/spouse’s income/ability to earn, where you live, your tax status, etc.
If you need assistance in this area, call us at (951) 677-7774.
Circumstances may occur that you may want to change your custody and visitation orders. This may include a change in custody, a move away or other issues that impact your children. We will assess your situation and provide you with a legal strategy to make those wanted changes.
Life is constantly changing such as a new job, a pay raise/pay cut, remarriage or change of custody/parenting plan. These events may require modifying your support orders. This is an area you should not try and “do it yourself.” We have years of experience to guide you as to whether to modify your existing orders and what information you will need to present to successfully modify.
Just because you have a judgment does not mean all the matters have been 100% resolved. Sometimes, for a variety of reasons, a matter was not completely finalized. Sometimes incomes of the parties change and support may need to be revisited. Other issues may arise such as enforcing your existing agreements in situations where one party is not adhering to your agreement.
Some of the post-divorce matters we can assist you with are:
- Support Modifications
- Child Custody Modifications
- Move-Away Requests
- Enforcement of Support
- Enforcement of Custody
- Handling Property Issues
- Separation Modifications
Unfortunately, Domestic Violence is much more common than most people realize. Obtaining a Domestic Violence Restraining Order is not an easy feat as it requires a trial after a Temporary Restraining Order has been requested. Whether you are requesting a TRO or defending against one, you must be able to present your evidence to the judge. At LLR we will treat you with the empathy and compassion you deserve and provide a strategy to obtain the results you desire. Your safety, as well as your children’s is our number one concern.
*We can also provide assistance with Property Division Pre-nuptial Agreements.
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